IMG_4403The Perry City Council approved their fiscal year 2018 budget this week.
Overall, City Administrator Sven Peterson says it was a smooth process.
“The budget process went really well and again I can’t give our department heads and both Susie (Moorhead) and Paula (Rychnovsky) enough credit on how well this budget went and how smooth it was, pretty painless.  Really, everybody understands the situation that we’re in and our financial situation.  They don’t come in asking for the world.  They’re very reasonable, they know what’s there and they know what they can ask for.”
Though the City has to keep an eye on what’s happening at the state level and the effect that could have locally, Peterson says Perry is doing well financially.
“Our revenues look pretty strong this year and again expenditures were very conservative.  So really, no issues to speak of at all and we’re really looking forward to working through this budget and starting on next year’s.”
Regular property will be taxed at a rate of $17.81 per $1,000 of valuation, while the agricultural land levy is $3.

You can find a full copy of the budget HERE.