Anyone born between May 1993 and October 2009 are asked to exchange their birth certificate cards.
According to the Greene County Recorder’s office, the wallet-sized cards are blue and pink. The new cards, offered by the Iowa Department of Public Health, have more information on them, than the originals. Some of the newer information includes the legal parent’s names of the child, along with the time of birth.
There’s no cost to exchange the birth certificate cards at your respective county recorder’s office, but either one parent or the child must have a valid driver’s license during the exchange. Those born between 1995 through 2009 will be issued in the recorder’s office the same day. Those born from 1993 to 1994, must wait between four to six weeks and a new card will be mailed to that individual, due to the information having to be submitted to the state office in Des Moines.
You can exchange your birth certificate card, regardless if you live in Greene County or not at the recorder’s office. However, you must have the birth certificate card with you in order to get a new one.