Greene County Supervisors 3_6The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.

The Board approved the County Recorder’s report of fees for February of $12,840.70.

County Engineer Wade Weiss briefly gave an update about the bells and the anticipated arrival back in Jefferson to be installed at the top of the Mahanay Bell Tower later this spring.

The Board then discussed the Community 360-degree Project. Following two presentations made by Greene County Development Corporation and Zach Mannheimer with Iowa Business Growth, the cost to put together a list of projects would be $98,000. The County is asked to fund $24,000 of the project.  Supervisor Vice-Chair Dawn Rudolph thought that anyone can dream up projects, but it takes someone to actually carry them out. Supervisor Mick Burkett didn’t like how he thought the presentation was centered around Jefferson. Supervisor Chair John Muir was also disappointed with the lack of focus on the other communities. He added that the Supervisors have been asked in the past to invest in projects and he wasn’t sure if this was the one where they should do that. Supervisor Tom Contner wasn’t comfortable with taking a leap of faith with the project and was also concerned with how all the projects will be paid for in the future.

The Supervisors felt that they needed to speak with GCDC representatives before they make their final decision.