Greene County ExtensionTwo important pesticide applicator trainings are coming up for Greene County.

Extension Director Lori Mannel says their private pesticide recertification course will be offered on Tuesday, March 7th at 1:30pm in Clover Hall on the fairgrounds in Jefferson.

“This is a very popular program that we’re able to offer here in Greene County. No need to pre-register, just show up. As you know the rule, show up between 1 and 1:15pm. At 1:30, we are mandated to close the doors and no one is able to be admitted.”

The cost is $20 per person.

One final commercial pesticide class is for certified handlers on Wednesday, March 8th at 9am at the Extension office. Cost is $35 per person. All other commercial pesticide classes are done, but if you still need to take a course, the Extension office is scheduling re-shows at $45 per person.

Call the Extension office at 386-2138 or stop by to sign up.