Everyone is invited to another session of Get Connected! in Jefferson.
A “Wellness Palooza” is scheduled for Monday, February 20th at the Greene County Community Center. The event includes information and presentations on healthy eating, tobacco use, health resources for children and physical activities for kids.
Hy-Vee Dietitian Jocelyn Evans will talk about “Eating Better, Paying Less”. The presentation will cover how to eat healthy on a budget. She will also give out samples and coupons at attendees. Another speaker is a New Opportunities Prevention Consultant Angie Baack. She will talk about tobacco use, e-cigarettes and using prescription drugs safely. There will also be resources to quit smoking. The last presenter is Greene County Schools Nurse Ann Hicks. She will cover free health resources for school-age children and their families. Children ages 5 to 12 can also participate in fitness challenges to earn prizes.
Refreshments will be served and door prizes will also be given away.
It takes place from 7 to 8pm. The event is free and open to the public.