The Jefferson City Council will meet tonight.
The Council will hold three public hearings. One will be on the plans and specifications, form of contract and cost estimate for the Community Development Block Grant project; another will be for an agreement for sale and redevelopment of 111 East Lincoln Way; and the plans and specifications, form of contract and cost estimate for the 2017 street and alley reconstruction project. The Council is expected to approve all items following their respective public hearings.
The Council will also consider for approval a quarterly funding request for Greene County Development Corporation, hiring a golf course manager and the first reading to amend an ordinance to create a $1 monthly charge for the yard waste site.
Discussion items include an overview of a comprehensive plan from Region XII Council of Governments and improvements to the drainage system on the north portion of the City.
The meeting will end in a budget workshop.
The meeting will be at 5:30pm in the City Hall Council Chambers.