The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
During open forum, Sheriff Jack Williams asked the Board if he could raise the reimbursement rate from 85 percent to 100 percent for mileage to serve court orders to individuals in the county. Board Chair John Muir said they will take the request under advisement and make a decision at a future meeting.
Jefferson City Administrator Mike Palmer then gave an update to the Board. He said the City is still on track to open bids for the Community Development Block Grant downtown revitalization project by next month. He also said the City has a study to improve the drainage system in the north portion of the City. They have to determine the cost for each individual landowner if the project moves forward. Finally, Palmer pointed out that the city is wanting to re-write the 28E agreement for the current animal shelter with the County.
The Board then approved a $1,000 budget amendment to the emergency management 2017 fiscal year budget for a grant to purchase a generator for the hazmat trailer. The Board also approved the 2018 fiscal year budget for emergency management as presented.
The Board also approved hiring Jefferson Police officer Shane Jones as a part-time deputy for the Sheriff’s office. Williams noted that the position is temporary until he hires a full-time deputy for an open position in the Sheriff’s office. The Board also approved the Sheriff’s office quarterly report of fees for October through December of 2016 for $54,548.
Finally, the meeting ended in a budget workshop.