iowa fire museumThe Iowa Fire Museum and Fire Prevention Center opened in Perry nearly two years ago and owner Brian Eiteman has big dreams for the future of the attraction.

The local fire historian has been collecting items from across the state for as long as he can remember and the current museum location at 1122 Second Street simply can’t hold everything.

“I’m looking at a bigger building.  From my point that would be like 80 feet by 150 feet building.  Even if it was a Morton building I would be happy and we would put brick around it.  My ultimate goal is to have a building big enough and nice enough to be able to put the front façade of the old fire station on the front.”

The Perry fire station burned down when Eiteman was just nine years old and he remembers watching the building be tore down, an event he calls a “really traumatic thing” in his childhood.

Eiteman is currently looking at available buildings and hopes to have a new home for the museum soon with a goal of it being the largest of its kind in the Midwest.