Photo courtesy of IPPA
Photo courtesy of IPPA

Two Churdan area farmers were recently recognized for their efforts in the swine industry by the Iowa Pork Producers Association.

Brothers Cale and Conner Juergensen received the Master Pork Producer Award. The award goes to someone for their innovation, attention to quality, efficiency and production records within their farm enterprise.

The Juergensens raise 25,000 head of wean-to-finish pigs for their annual contract with Audubon-Manning Veterinarian Clinics Management Services. They also operate 450-acres of row crops that they rent from their grandparents and they own a small herd of ten bred cows and a bull. The brothers have help their mother, Jill, manage her brother’s farm since 2012.

Cale earned his associate’s degree in agriculture production from Iowa Lakes Community College in 2013 and is the swine superintendent for the Greene County Fair. Connor earned his associate’s degree in agriculture technology from Iowa Central Community College in 2013 and is the Greene County Fair Board Vice-President.

They were presented with a certificate of achievement and the Master Pork Producer brass belt buckle at the Iowa Pork Congress Banquet held last week in Des Moines.