The Adel City Council will meet in regular session tonight.
Items on the agenda include a public hearing in regards to a zoning change for Bloomfield Acres LLC, a annual update from the Greater Dallas County Development Alliance, an annual report from Adel Public Library Director Paula James, consideration of a request to purchase the land that Park Place Catering is on and consider an amendment to the zoning code.
The Council will then consider approving a developer’s agreement for Bloomfield Acres, set a public hearing in regards to an amendment to the commercial tax abatement program, approval of an engagement agreement for the Main Street reconstruction program, approval of resolutions in regards to the 2017 brick streets project, approval of a preliminary plat amendment for Southbridge and final plat for Timberview West plat two.
Brittany Sandquist is then expected to be appointed as the City’s finance director, the seventh pay application for the Adel Historic Museum addition will be considered, as will the first reading of an ordinance in regards to a seven percent hotel and motel tax and setting a public hearing in regards to a rezoning request.
The meeting takes place at 6pm in the Adel City Hall.