A Perry couple claims the Dallas County Emergency Medical Services department brought their son to the wrong hospital after he suffered a seizure.

Denise Hartz requested a billing adjustment from the County, stating she does not feel she should have to pay for mileage on a trip to a destination they didn’t ask for.

Hartz and her husband Jay’s 24 year-old son Cody had a seizure and 911 was called.  After the incident, EMS Director Mike Thomasson said he received phone calls from people stating they saw “non-complimentary” statements about the call on social media.

Denise, who rode in the ambulance with her son, told the Board of Supervisors Tuesday that she at least three times requested they go to Mercy Hospital in downtown Des Moines.  She says he had a seizure around three years ago and she wanted the best care possible, plus Mercy is in-network for their insurance. Instead, the ambulance went to Methodist Hospital.

During the meeting, Jay also stated he had concerns with how long it took for the ambulance to arrive and the lack of urgency once they did.

Thomasson says they were on scene within four minutes of being dispatched.

“I’m sorry that my crew didn’t run in.  I don’t expect them to run ever, to a call.  I expect them to arrive on scene in their best shape and their best behavior to take care of the situation.  I know it would be great to see everybody sprint to a call like they do in the movies.”

Thomasson did not respond to the call and Jay stated that he feels the crew didn’t tell him the whole, correct story.

“They were so nonchalant, sir.  Laughing and joking when they got out of the ambulance.  Police actually had to kind of help them get the…” said Jay.
“From your perspective, I would say that’s probably true” added Thomasson.
“Not only my perspective sir, but from the perspective of an eyewitness.  You know, I love you guys, I appreciate all the services you do, I’m just telling you that as a business owner, when I get a complaint, I investigate it” says Hartz.

The Hartzes encouraged the Board to investigate the incident from a personnel perspective.

The Board decided to hold off on taking official action until the insurance company responded about whether or not they would pay for the claim and asked the couple to go through the appeal process if it is denied.  If that fails, they may take action to adjust the bill.