Tomorrow night the ADM Tiger wrestling will be back on the comforts of the wrestling mat as part of a Quadrangular with Gilbert, Collins-Maxwell-Baxter, and Greene County high school.

After coming off of a solid showing in the DC-G Invitational last Saturday, the Tigers will look to match that intensity and then some in at Gilbert high school tomorrow. The official schedule for the quadrangular is as follows:

Round one will start off with the hometown Gilbert squad taking on Collins-Maxwell-Baxter followed by ADM’s shot at the Greene County Rams. Round two will witness Gilbert and Greene County squaring off followed by ADM taking on Collins-Maxwell-Baxter. The third and final round has ADM getting their shot at the hometown Gilbert team to start things off and concluded by Collins-Maxwell-Baxter taking on Greene County.

The Tigers take to the quadrangular tomorrow starting at 5:30 pm.