Greene County Community CenterFall youth programs are starting back up with the Jefferson Parks and Recreation Department.

Tumbling classes for all skill levels will be held on Saturdays from October 15th through November 5th. The beginners class will include tumbling basics and how to increase flexibility. It is for pre-kindergarten through six year-olds from 10 to 10:30am for $25. The intermediate and advanced classes will be about improving floor skills, along with using the balance beam, basic springboard and a single bar. It is recommended for second graders and older students. To be in the advanced class, you must be able to do an unassisted back bend. It is from 10:30 to 11:15am for intermediates and 11:15 to noon for the advanced class and each costs $35 to participate.

The classes will be led by Nicole Friess-Schilling and Jamie Leggitt.

The classes will be held at the Greene County Community Center in Jefferson. Call or stop by the community center to sign up.