farm-safety-on-the-roadsHarvest season is upon us and more farm equipment will be on the roadways.

Greene County Sheriff Steve Haupert says due to the size of some farm equipment, it may take up part of the shoulder and part of the lane for oncoming traffic. He points out that motorists need to be aware of those types of vehicles on the roads.

“It’s kind of a two-way street, they have a responsibility of driving that equipment and those of us that are driving the smaller vehicles, we need to be aware of what they are doing at all times of night and the early morning.”

Farm vehicles are suppose to have flashing lights and a “slow-moving” sign posted. Haupert adds that farm vehicles should avoid traveling on the highways during peak driving hours. They are also traveling at 35 miles-per-hour or slower, so motorists should exercise patience before attempting to pass them.