dscn4653The Jefferson Streets/Sewer/Sanitation/Water committee met on Tuesday.

Each department reviewed any budgetary item purchases to be considered by the City Council for the 2018 fiscal year. Wastewater Superintendent Danny Moranville said he would like a used skidloader, due to the age of the current equipment. Street Superintendent David Teeples requested a new street sweeper. The current equipment is a vacuum, which consistently gets plugged with sticks. He recommended going back to an Elgin with a grapple brush front-end attachment.

Water Superintendent Tom Schilling said he needs two variable speed drive valves for two wells in town. The current valves are designed for water to flow only one way and they are leaking about 1,100 gallons per day.

There was a brief discussion about painting the bike lanes on East Lincoln Way. Teeples said he is waiting to get quotes from contractors. The committee also discussed painting bike lanes on West Lincoln Way from Grimmell Road to Westwood Drive. No action was taken by the committee.