The Greene County Fair Association is gearing up to finish off their capital campaign project.
Fair Board President Bob Allen says in the previous two years, they’ve replaced the sheep and swine barns on the east side of the showring on the fairgrounds. Both buildings are 72-feet-by-135-feet Morton Buildings. They are now focusing their efforts on replacing the beef barn. Allen says he’s heard positive feedback from replacing the first two livestock buildings.
“I heard several comments that the experience was like showing at the state fair. I just think it’s a great opportunity for us to provide that opportunity to Greene County’s youth. A lot of the children that bring their projects to the (county) fair are not able to go to the state fair and have that experience. So, to have a nice facility and to be able to exhibit their projects they work so hard on throughout the year, so just a really great opportunity.”
To help with the cost of replacing the beef barn, a fundraiser will be held next week.

A barbecue meal and auction will take place on Tuesday at Clover Hall on the fairgrounds. The doors open at 5pm and the ribeye steak meal will be served at 6pm for $15 and the auction will follow the meal. Allen points out that there are over 100 ag products in the auction this year. Last year, they raised $90,000.
There will also be a raffle drawing for a quarter beef. Tickets are one for $5, five tickets for $20 or 30 tickets for $100. Tickets can be purchased in advance from any fair board member and the winner doesn’t have to be present to win.
You can hear Allen talk more about the capital campaign project and auction event on today’s Let’s Talk Greene County program both on-air and online at raccoonvalleyradio.com.