Everyone is invited to a fundraiser for Greene County’s Freedom Rock project this weekend.
The Town and Country Band will perform at the community room in Rippey at 6:30pm on Saturday. During the concert, the Friends of Rippey will serving ice cream and the Freedom Rock committee will sale baked goods. All proceeds will benefit the Freedom Rock project.
The committee is looking to raise between $15,000 to $20,000 to complete their project, which mostly consists of paying for traveling expenses and lodging for artist Bubba Sorenson to come to Jefferson next April to paint the rock. The location will be at the former Landus Cooperative elevator near the Raccoon River Valley Trailhead on the Greene County Fairgrounds.
Landus recently agreed to donate the property to the Greene County Fair Foundation for better access to the rock with plenty of parking.
It is a free-will donation event.