With all the humidity and rainfall lately it’s possible you’re seeing, or feeling, more mosquitoes lately.
The City of Perry continues to do their part to try and keep the pests away.
“Every Thursday night we spray. There’s a guy that comes in usually around eight o’clock and sprays. But like we’ve said before, you don’t hear it. We have a new machine, this is our second year having this machine. The old one you could hear from blocks and blocks away, this one is electric, so you do not hear it at all, it’s a fan so it makes no noise or anything but it does the same stuff. We’re actually using a stronger chemical this year. We switched our stuff up because it was suggested to us, sometimes (the mosquitoes) can kind of become immune to it. So we’re trying a new chemical. It costs us the same amount but I think it’s working a lot better.”
That’s Deputy Public Works Director Josh Wuebker who also reminds residents that there are some simple things you can do to help prevent the mosquitos from reproducing in your yards.
“If you have tires or anything like that, bird baths, standing water in anything are just breeding grounds for mosquitoes so dumping any of that water out will help out a lot.”
Other ways to keep mosquitoes out of your yard include using citronella products or essential oils, putting out a dish of soapy water to trap the bugs and using LED lights that don’t attract them.