Greene Co Ambassadors with EMSGreene County Emergency Medical Services showed off their newest ride to the County Board of Supervisors on Monday.

The 2015 chaise has all of the latest equipment, including an automatic gurney which allows staff to load and unload patients from the ambulance without having the lift the equipment and individual. The new ambulance cost $165,000 with another $60,000 in equipment. Dennis Morlan says they’ve always used restored chaises with newer boxes for each of their ambulances.

Greene County EMS operates with three ambulances, with each vehicle five years older than the newest model. Once the Supervisors approve the purchase of a new ambulance, the oldest model is given to the Churdan Rescue Unit.  Marcia Morlan notes that it’s a great way to keep their long-running vehicles in the county.New Greene Co EMS Ambulance

The Morlans are also celebrating their 30th anniversary this year and the Greene County Ambassadors were also on hand Monday at the courthouse to congratulate them on their achievement.


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