As we approach June, there are two youth programs starting up with the Jefferson Parks and Recreation Department.
Director Vicky Lautner says three to five year-old kids can participate in their Pre-Sports classes. Individuals will learn about aerobic exercise and improve balance, flexibility and large motor skills. The program will be from 10:15 to 11am on Fridays from June 3rd through July 15th. It costs $15 and will be held at Russell Park.
Another program will focus on basic fundamentals for beginning ball players with a Blastball League. It is for four to five year-olds at Kelso Park from 5:30 to 6:15pm. It will take place from June 6th through June 22nd on Monday and Wednesday. The cost for the class is $20, which includes a t-shirt.
Call the Greene County Community Center at 386-3412 to sign up.