Greene County Community Center tightened up its security with new cameras.
Jefferson Parks and Recreation Director Vicky Lautner says they added security cameras by the playground and more cameras to the interior of the building. She explains why they needed cameras by the playground.
“We’ve had problems with fighting outside at the playground and now we’ll be able to look back on tape and see what’s going on or we can see it on live time.”
The community center received a $3,300 grant from the Greene County Community Foundation for the security upgrades and additions and Tech Zone installed the equipment. The cameras on the inside allows staff to see the gym, fitness area, lobby and parking lot. Lautner points out the interior cameras will be especially helpful for nighttime activities.
“We have cut our staff in the evening to one person in here. So with the extra cameras that will help. We will have the capability to get close so we can see who that person is.”
Lautner wants to thank the Community Foundation for their help with their project.