Volunteers are needed to help put up some 500 flags tomorrow for the Memorial Day services in Jefferson.
Parks and Recreation Director Vicky Lautner says the Jefferson Elks and the Aktion Club will be putting up 500 flags at the City cemetery and St. Joseph’s Catholic Cemetery tomorrow morning. The flags represent all those military people that gave their lives fighting for our country’s freedom.
“I just love to see the cemetery after the flags are up. There’s a little breeze flowing, it’s just so majestic. I guess there’s a place in my heart that my grandfather was in the service and to see the flags and to honor him and the ones before him, it’s a nice thing for Jefferson to do. I love it.”
She also appreciates the community support for donating funds to help them replace several damaged flags last year. The flags will then be taken down on Monday at 4pm. Volunteers are asked to meet at the City cemetery at 8am on Saturday.