VFW Renovation pic 1A recent grant put the finishing touches on the newly renovated Jefferson VFW hall.

Post Commander Don Ihnken says they received a $2,250 grant from the Greene County Community Foundation to purchase chairs and tables to complete their project. The facility was shut down in 2013 after black mold was discovered in the basement. He explains the improvements that they did to the interior of the building.

“Had the basement gutted out. We cleaned up upstairs here for many, many hours, and gutted the original kitchen area out and replaced everything with brand new stuff and painted, and carpet and linoleum. We got grant money from a couple of different places to help us get through. Otherwise, we would not be in busy without the support of the community.”VFW Renovation pic 2

The facility is also available for rent. Contact Ihnken at 515-370-3140 or Kenny Arbuckle at 515-391-1301.


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