Police Chief Mark ClouseThis week is recognized as National Police Week.

Jefferson Police Chief Mark Clouse is proud of the work that his officers do for the department and the community.

“I feel that we have a great group of guys right now with the Jefferson Police Department. We’re all focused on our mission, which is obviously public safety throughout the community to make it a great place to live, relax, enjoy and work (in). My officers are fully dedicated to those causes.”

Clouse says there are potential risks that officers have when they put on their badges to provide public safety on a daily basis, even if they work in a smaller community.

“But again as the past has shown here in Jefferson and Greene County in general, at anytime things can alleviate and get to a bad situation. We understand that and we know that going in and we’re all willing and to be able to do that for our community.”

 He would also like to commend everyone who has thanked him and his officers this week and donating food and other items throughout the week.


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