There are three candidates running for the Republican party’s nomination for the second district spot on the Dallas County Board of Supervisors.
Over the next few weeks we will highlight and perhaps introduce you to each candidate.
The first is a familiar face to many. Mark Hanson is the current Board Chairman and finishing up his second, four-year term as a Supervisor.
When asked why he chose to run for re-election, Hanson says it primarily comes down to one core issue.
“I feel like I have one more piece of business that hasn’t been accomplished and that really is the public safety building and the need for a jail. We are currently sending prisoners off to Story County, Guthrie County, Polk County and putting a lot of pressure on the sheriff’s office for transport, at a pretty high expense for only property tax payers that are footing that bill.”
We will hear more from Hanson and challengers Douglas Beavers and Eric Rose in the days leading up to the primary election on June 7th.