Sheriff Steve HaupertToday, Iowans remember all those men and women who lost their lives while in law enforcement.

People gather together today for a ceremony at the Peace Officer Memorial Monument in Des Moines. Greene County Sheriff Steve Haupert attends the events and says it’s a moving experience.

“To see the families of the lost police officers and their pain, it puts everything into perspective as to what police officers, deputies and anyone in law enforcement that puts on a badge-whether you see it or not-that they’re just that close to not going home at night. It’s a touching experience that I wish everyone could go through.”

Haupert also remembers one of his fallen friends and colleagues, Rockwell City Police Officer Jamie Buenting, who was killed in the line of duty in 2013.

“Once you’ve lost somebody that’s close to you and you’re friends with-and I knew Jamie’s dad, Dan for years and his sister-and you never go away. I’ve got his (Jamie’s) business card on my desk that I look at everyday.”

Governor Branstad has also ordered all flags to be flown at half-mast today in remembrance of all the fallen law enforcement individuals.


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