Greene County ExtensionGreene County Extension is offering new programs and reminding 4-H’ers of upcoming deadlines.

Extension Director Lori Mannel says today is the final day to register for a new youth program for first through third graders called “Birds and Bunnies”. It is for those too young to be in 4-H but who would like to show rabbits and poultry at this year’s county fair. The club will meet on May 10th at the Extension office and June 18th at the fairgrounds. Registration deadline is today.

There are also a few livestock events coming up this month for 4-H’ers. The sheep and goat weigh-ins will be on Saturday, May 7th at the fairgrounds from 7:30 to 10am. That same day will be rabbitt tattooing and poultry blood test from 8 to 10am also on the fairgrounds.

Finally, 4-H’ers that are planning on showing livestock at this year’s county or state fair must verify their animals by May 15th through their 4-H online profile.

Anyone with questions can contact the Extension office in Jefferson at 386-2138.


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