20160429_142438_533Governor Terry Branstad visited a Greenfield business Friday afternoon.


Branstad met with company leaders at G&H Motor Freight to hear about some of the benefits and challenges of running a trucking business.


General Manager Stan Feldhacker says a shortage of drivers is probably their biggest problem. Insurance age restrictions make it hard for anyone under the age of 23 to be a truck driver and Feldhacker says by that age many of the best candidates are already on different career paths.


He adds that more creature comforts in truck cabins, automatic transmissions and stability of work in Iowa are some of the things helping to attract new drivers.20160429_141917_609


Branstad says well-paying blue collar jobs should be presented to more young people as a viable career option, instead of going to a four-year college. “Being a truck driver, technician or working in a factory are all good jobs and most of them pay more than many jobs and you don’t have all of the student debt.”20160429_134238_845

The visit was part of Branstad’s annual initiative to visit each of Iowa’s 99 counties.

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