The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
During open forum, the Supervisors briefly discussed the Greene County School Board’s interest in purchasing the former National Guard Armory building. The Board felt that they need to do more research, including investigating how much it would cost to build a storage facility, and discuss the request with the School Board.
Greene County Impact Award committee member Jerry Roberts addressed the Board during open forum. He requested the Board sign a proclamation designating Sunday, May 1st as Mary Weaver Day in light of her receiving the Impact Award this weekend at the courthouse. The Supervisors agreed to sign the proclamation.
The Supervisors then approved a resolution to accept a bid of $1,100 from Dale and Dee Ann Thompson to sell the property at 105 Lovejoy in Rippey. The Board also approved a letter of support for the Southern Prairie Pothole project.
The Board then discussed a housing development proposal from last week’s special meeting. Local landlord Larry Saddoris addressed the Board about some concerns he had about housing. He owns 55 apartment and rental houses throughout the community and wanted to have a housing survey done, starting with employees, to see what kind of need for housing exists. He also wanted to know the survey participants names and birthdays, along with their income levels, so that there could be a better determination of what kinds of affordable complexes need to be built. Supervisors Mick Burkett and Tom Contner didn’t have a problem with doing a survey, but they felt that county taxpayers shouldn’t pay for it when it would mostly be beneficial for the City of Jefferson. They thought that since most of the complexes or housing would occur in Jefferson, that the City should be the lead entity on the project. Following the discussion, the Supervisors felt they needed more information and research done before they could make a decision of whether or not be a participant along with other entities to move forward on the housing issue.
The meeting ended in a closed session for county employee evaluations.