April is National Financial Literacy Month to help people establish healthy financial habits and ensure a prosperous future.
Guthrie County State Bank Investment Center Financial Advisor Kristen Crouthamel says in her 16 years in the financial industry, the most common financial issue she encounters is that people simply aren’t saving enough of their money. “My first rule, I would say, is save early and save often, always paying yourself first. For years, employers have wondered, ‘why aren’t people contributing more to their 401(k)’s?’. Afterall, the money compounds year after year tax deferred, and the earlier you start the more compounding you get. The money you contribute to the traditional IRA portion of the 401(k) comes out before taxes, so in essence you are reducing your income tax and your tax bill.”
Crouthamel will provide more financial tips today on Let’s Talk Guthrie County. It airs during the 9 a.m., noon and 5 p.m. hours on K107.9 and www.raccoonvalleyradio.com.