perry schoolsClasses for the 2015-2016 school year in Perry will start on Wednesday, August 24th.

The School Board approved the calendar at their meeting this week. Notable breaks include the winter break December 22nd through January 3rd and spring break March 13th through the 17th.

As of now, the school year is set to end May 25th but of course that’s without any snow days.  However, Superintendent Lynn Ubben says they don’t always have to make up that time.

“We do have plenty of hours in our school day.  Hopefully we won’t have a lot of snow but we always have that option, it doesn’t necessarily have to be X number of days if we have enough hours.  We typically try to make most of it up but if it’s within a day and we don’t see an educational reason for that, we can fall back on hours.”

A full copy of the calendar can be found HERE.

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