When the spring rolls in and a new wave of sports begins, familiar faces from the Fall and Winter sports pop up within the spring sports here at ADM high school. The prevailing notion that specializing in just one sport has all but gone by the way side as more and more individuals are starting to recognize the multi-sport benefit.

Although there are some athletes who stick to just one sport ADM strength and conditioning coach Tyler Bohlke told Raccoon Valley Radio he believes every athlete should be in multiple sports in order to become a better athlete.

“I believe every athlete should participate in as many sports as possible. The best way to be athlete is to participate in multiple athletics,” stated coach Bohlke.

Coach Bohlke also went on to state how multiple sport participation can have positive impacts both mentally and physically.

“Playing other sports always keeps you in a highly competitive mindset and it also gets your body used to being in positions its not normally in. It creates an overall better all around athlete, stronger athlete, faster athlete,” explained coach Bohlke.

Here at ADM there are plenty of athletes participating in multiple sports and each one of them experience the multi-sport benefit.

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