perry floodDay five of Severe Weather Awareness Week focuses on flash flooding.

Dallas County Emergency Management Coordinator Barry Halling says flooding is one of the most common weather issues the local area experiences as there are a lot of low lying areas that flood often.

Halling says the “turn around, don’t drown” phrase really is important and something not everyone obeys.

“Actually I’ve seen people drive through areas that probably shouldn’t have been driven through.  You really don’t know what’s underneath the road.  The water level could be anywhere from six inches to 18 inches.  With the water pressure on the roads you don’t know what the shape of the road was prior to driving over it.  Actually when you drive across that water, the road may be gone.  It only takes anywhere from 12 to 18 inches to move the car that you’re in.”

Halling says it’s worth the couple extra minutes it may take to avoid the flooded areas.

“It’s very easy to drive around the water.  Just stop, turn around, and not drown in things like this.  It’s probably the leading killer in severe weather.”

If you’re in a flood watch, Iowa Homeland Security recommends filling bathtubs, sinks and jugs with clean water in case the water becomes contaminated, bring in outdoor belongings, move valuable possessions to the upper floors of the building and pay attention to to the latest storm information, which we will provide you here on the Raccoon Valley Radio network.

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