20160222_181636_513The Guthrie Center City Council has decided to research and work on a proposed dangerous/vicious dog ordinance for at least two more weeks before bringing it back to the table. Mayor Denny Kunkle told a crowd at the beginning of Monday’s meeting that the ordinance would not be discussed but it is expected to be back on the agenda on Monday, March 14th.

Additionally, the Council heard an annual report from Library Director Pat Sleister. Sleister reports that although book circulation is down over the past twelve months, technology circulation and wi-fi  usage is up.


Plus, the Council voted unanimously on the third and final reading to adjust their  minimum housing ordinance costs section, after meeting with other government officials and property owners.

The Council met with representatives from the new Guthrie County State Bank building project about making sure their sidewalk is compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act and Public Right of Way Accessibility Guide. Project engineers presented schematics to the Council which showed with just a minor tweaking of a retaining wall, the project would be compliant with all building standards. The Council also suggested that the bank’s roof drains draining onto public property could potentially be a liability for the City or the Bank. Project representatives stated that while design wasn’t perfect it was compliant with all standards.

Plus, the Council granted a six-year contract to Jensen Sanitation to continue waste management duties within the City. Mayor Kunkle and the Council told owner Eric Morris that they have heard nothing but good things about his service from city residents.

Finally, the Council discussed the future move of City Hall into the current Guthrie County State Bank building. The Council continues to consider the possibility of accepting bids for their current City Hall and old fire hall.


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