TreadWallThe Greene County Community Center recently received an expensive new piece of equipment.

Jefferson Parks and Recreation Director Vicky Lautner says they have a new Treadwall which is a rotating climbing wall that is powered by your own momentum. After requests from members about installing a rock climbing wall, Lautner says she found the Treadwall at Easter Seals Sunnyside Camp in Des Moines. Following the initial conversation, Lautner describes what happened next before they came down to retrieve it.

“Well during the time that we spoke and they must have had meetings, and they wanted the equipment out of their gym. So the next time we contacted to tell them that we were coming down to get it to try it out, they said, ‘if you want it, you can have it.’”

Lautner appreciates the $10,000 gift from the Easter Seals. She adds that the Treadwall will used the same way as their raquetball court with half-hour time slots. Members who want to use it must go through an orientation first.


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