Everyone is invited to stop by the Perry Elks Lodge Friday for the annual Perry Community Christmas Dinner.

It’s a free meal, open to any and everyone.  In fact, the volunteers serve hundreds of people each year.

“It’s an awesome dinner, I mean it’s really a good dinner.  We’ve got pork loin and turkey, we’ve got dressing and homemade potatoes and gravy and salads donated by organizations.  Also the desserts are supplied that way so we get a lot of homemade, nice, fun, good food and they just like to come visit.”

That’s organizer Deb Miller who encourages everyone to check it out.  Dinner will be served from 11am until 1:30pm. There’s no cost to attend but those who would like to make a donation can.  That money and any leftover food will be donated to the Perry Food Pantry.

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