20151221_150610_618 20151221_150714_111Stuart’s Cottage Pantry serves the community every week.


Chair Vi Jones says the pantry is available to anyone living in the West Central Valley School District and offers a large variety of food and personal care items. “They can come in and fill out a sheet. On the back of the sheet, they mark the items they would take. We have a chart we go by, according to the family size, as to what we can give them. They usually get between $75-$100 in products every time they come in. We’re pretty generous. A lot of pantries don’t operate like that and are only open once a month or once every three months.”

Stuart’s Cottage Pantry is open each Wednesday from 1:30-5 p.m. at 204 South Division Street, beneath the Raccoon Valley Radio station. Jones will tell us more about the pantry today on Let’s Talk Guthrie County. It airs during the 9 a.m, noon and 5 p.m. hours on K107.9 andwww.raccoonvalleyradio.com.

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