Greene County RamsGreene County School District’s results with the the Iowa Department of Education’s Iowa School Report Card were recently released.

It is a rating system based on a set of eight criteria including student proficiency, college and career-ready growth, annual expected growth, closing achievement gap, college and career readiness, graduation rate, attendance and staff retention. Individual buildings are then given a rating from the top end which is exceptional, to high performing, commendable, acceptable, needs improvement and priority.

Greene County elementary and middle school each received an acceptable rating with scores of  64.6 and 63.4 points respectively. Each scored the highest on attendance and the lowest on closing achievement gap. Greene County High School received a commendable rating with 67.4 points. The highest score is graduation rate and the lowest is college and career ready growth. Since the results are based on two years of information, Greene County Intermediate didn’t receive a score since they have only been a school for one year.

Superintendent Tim Christensen says he’s excited to see how each school improves going forward.

“It is just a number. But there is eight different categories. So we can take a look at it and have a good idea of what we need to do at each individual building in order to improve and in order to get to the next category. That’s the nice thing about it, it does provide a focus that I do appreciate.”

You can search for a full list of results for the Greene County School District by clicking the link below.


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