IMG_4893Those who have put their lives on the line to fight for our freedom were honored in Perry yesterday as the community came together to honor veterans.

The festivities kicked off with a complimentary breakfast at the Perry Hy-Vee where Store Director Matt May says they served between 250 and 300 veterans and spouses.

IMG_4863“It’s an easy thing for us to do, to give them breakfast but their very appreciative of it and I think the biggest thing for them is they just enjoy the community being together and being with their brothers of the past.  It’s kind of a celebration of them, to celebrate what they’ve done for the country.”

Hundreds then gathered at the Perry Performing Arts Center where a panel presentation was held, followed by the 18th annual Veterans Day celebration.

Mike Powell served as the the event’s master of ceremonies and welcomed everyone to the program.

“Veterans Day has been recognized in one form or another at Perry High School each year since 1989.  For the last eighteen years a celebration of Veterans Day has been held at the school.”

IMG_4875But they left it up to French Legion of Honor recipient Mahlon Conaway to explain the origin of the holiday.

“Veterans Day is largely intended to thank living veterans for their service.  To acknowledge that their contributions to our national security are appreciated and to underscore the fact that all of those who have served, not only those who have died, have sacrificed and done their duty.”

The program continued with musical selections, a special recognition and several speeches including one from Perry High School teacher and retired Marine Eddie Diaz who shared some of his own memories.

“Eleven years ago today one of my good friends, Corporal Peter Giannopoulos, died.  He died from a gunshot wound in Iraq.  Within a week, my unit lost seven more Marines.  I clearly recall the fear and doubt that seeped into my consciousness.  Through those tough moments I do clearly remember how I was motivated, and I imagine some of my fellow marines were motivated, by the legacy of these men.”

IMG_4882Retired U.S. Army Sergeant Major Don Richardson served as the program’s keynote speaker and touched on the fact that there are still thousands of men and women serving our country today.

“While this war is in rememberance of the silencing of that war’s cannon, it did not silence them for long and we have fought countless others since.  Sadly as we sit here today we have American warriors deployed in harms way in over 100 countries.”

Mayor Jay Pattee then spoke, followed by a video with photos of all of Perry’s veterans and the dedication of the new In Flanders Fields memorial by artist Betsy Peterson who encouraged everyone to be inspired by the poppies.

“Make this your torch.  To hold high the values and character that will inspire, to remember.  Shape the torch that you will pass on to those who remember us, just as we are remembering today those who have survived wars alongside those who have lost their lives by it.”

Following the closing remarks, the local veterans were able to enjoy a free lunch at the high school, and a complimentary soup supper at the American Legion.

For a video of the event, visit our Facebook page HERE.

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