20151111_111303_494 (1) 20151111_105850_385 (1) 20151111_105806_306 (1) 20151111_105720_349 (1)Guthrie Center Elementary School students and staff held a Veterans Day assembly Wednesday.

About 30 citizens and 40 veterans attended the event. The assembly started with the kindergarteners leading everyone in saying The Pledge of Allegiance. Next, the first graders sang a song about remembrance poppy flowers. Additionally, second, third and fourth graders recited poems and essays thanking veterans for their service. The fifth graders sang “You’re a Grand Ole Flag” and the sixth grade class wrapped up the ceremony singing Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA.”

Navy veteran Leon McCall says he enjoyed the entire ceremony but one part stuck out as being exceptionally moving. “I really liked the presentation of the Lee Greenwood song, ‘Proud to be an American’ (God Bless the USA).”

Army veteran Jonathan Moses agreed in saying the classic country tune brought a tear to his eye. “I liked the sixth graders’ version of “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood. I’ve always loved that song, and to this day I still love it.”

At the end of the event, Guthrie Center faculty invited veterans to return for next year’s ceremony.

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