Grassley-090507-18363- 0032Several debates have recently taken place between presidential candidates for both the Republican and Democrat parties.

United States Senator Charles Grassley tells Raccoon Valley Radio what he thinks about both parties candidates.  Following the second Republican debate, Grassley was surprised, but anticipated Carly Fiorina would make a huge jump in the polls.  With Dr. Ben Carson and Donald Trump as the top candidates, Grassley expresses his thoughts on why he thinks the Americans are pushing for someone who doesn’t have public office experience.

“I think it proves that the American people are fed up with what’s going on in Washington (D.C.).  I wouldn’t interpret that to say that the American people have made up their mind, just because they haven’t had government experience.  I don’t think people are writing off government experience.”

As for the Democrat candidates, Grassley believes Hillary Clinton will get the nomination.

“Well first of all, I’ve never seen a Clinton lose an election.  They have a lot of power and (are) willing to say almost anything to get elected.  But I don’t see even (Bernie) Sanders giving her the best run.  But I don’t think the Democrats are going to nominate a Socialist as their nominee.”

The Iowa Caucus takes place in February.


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