
Patrick Halsey was charged in December 2013 for a violation of attempting to pursue, kill, trap, buy or sell a fur bearing animal. He paid a fine for the crime, and admits the action was a mistake that he’s moved on from. “It’s something that happened. Everybody’s got something in their past that’s going to come up, but it shouldn’t affect anything. People know me and my character. They know about me and this shouldn’t affect anybody’s position on how they vote.”


Candidate Ian Steensen pled guilty in 2010 to a charge of public intoxication in Carroll. Steensen says the incident was a youthful mistake. “It was just in my younger years and I just made a bad mistake. I’ve learned from it. I’ve grown up a lot since then. I’ve got a career that I’m mindful of, I’ve got a wife and I would say I’ve grown up leaps and bounds since then.”

Election day is Tuesday, November 3rd.

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