Lisa TurnerLisa Turner is another candidate for the at-large seat on the Jefferson City Council.

She’s lived in Jefferson for over ten years and is married.  She is a licensed marriage and family therapist and primarily works with adult clients.  She’s previously served on the Perry Planning and Zoning Commission, is a former Greene County Chamber Board President and member and was on the organizational committee with Jefferson Matters: Main Street.  She talks about how her past volunteer experiences have helped her to grow as an individual.

“(Those experiences) has taught me a lot about people, taught me a lot about boundaries and how to manage my time.  How to work with people and how to give back and just made me interested in the community.”

She believes that being involved in the community makes her want to do even more.

“I see this opportunity on the city council as a way to kind of re-energize myself and to also be a part of the energy that’s in Jefferson right now.”

She would like to continue the City’s partnership with Jefferson Matters, complete the Community Development Block Grant for the downtown revitalization project and resolve the hotel/motel tax issue between the City and the Chamber.

A reminder that absentee ballots will be accepted until 11am on Tuesday, November 3rd and those submitted via mail, must be postmarked by November 2nd.


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