The Jefferson City Council met last night in regular session.
The Council approved police officer Heath Enns as sergeant, effective November 1st with a salary of $47,478. The Council also approved the second reading to remove the time period for no parking on City streets, with the exception of the downtown square, during snow removal events.
The Council then denied the resolution for a $1 million application for an Iowa Workforce Housing loan. Some of the reasons the Council voted “No” unanimously was due to the loan going against the City’s service debt limit, not having other parties guaranteeing to pay the loan and not having a completed housing study. Greene County Development Corporation will continue to find alternative financing methods for the proposed 44-unit housing project by JCorporation.
During open forum, Jefferson Matters: Main Street Program Director Peg Raney told the Council that they are going to utilize students from the College of Design at Iowa State University to help them with downtown building designs.