20151026_180321_466The Guthrie Center City Council passed the third and final readings of ordinances to give the Mayor and Council a 50% pay increase, Monday night. Both ordinances passed by a vote of 4-1, with Councilor Underwood being the lone ‘nay’ vote. When the next term starts in January, Councilors will receive $1,000/year made in quarterly payments and the Mayor will receive $2,400/year with payments made biweekly.

Additionally, the Council met with Dean Wetzel to readdress the nuisance notice at his automotive repair business. Wetzel told the Council he has removed some junk from his property and plans to further address the issue by installing ‘private property’ signs and erecting a fence between his business and the can and bottle redemption center.

Plus, the Council approved a liquor license for the Fireman’s Association to use at their November 7th Casino Night fundraiser.

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