trails and greenwaysAnother group of trail enthusiasts is heading to Perry this week.

The Mid America Trails and Greenways Conference is taking place in Des Moines this week but today Perry is hosting an afternoon mobile workshop titled Trail Town USA.

In fact, Bob Wilson with the Perry Chamber says the majority of conference registrants have picked Perry as the workshop site they want to take part in.

“We do these things to just keep promoting Perry, not only just with cycling but as a destination, a tourism destination.  There’s a great amount of impact that we can have with these very focused groups, very concerned people about certain topics.  So I’m excited to keep getting selected.”

Wilson says various groups keep choosing Perry as the destination of their conferences because they’ve set a high standard for trail towns.

“They like to see how we can incorporate the trail into our private sector businesses and see what the public sector has done to enhance that.  Our in town trail is pretty amazing as well and it’s a fun place to be.  Organizations like to come to Perry for another reason too which is we can come together and get things done as a community.  Whether it’s economic development, the city, private businesses, civic organizations.  If there’s a task or something that we want we have a proven track record and that story’s told all across the state.”

Wilson says the workshop will include several speakers touching on a variety of topics such as bike friendly businesses, events, brownfields and trail usage.

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