IMG_3691Though a lot of us don’t want to think about it yet and Mother Nature seems to be holding off, for now, winter is inevitably right around the corner.

The City of Perry’s Public Works Department has wasted no time making sure they’re prepared for the flakes to fly.

“We ordered 200 ton of salt this year and 200 ton of sand.  We probably had 300 ton of each, so we have about 1,000 ton of material ready to go.  Last year was probably the easiest winter we’ve had and salt prices were really good this year so we ordered 200 ton of stuff, that’ll keep us stocked up.  We have everything ready to go.  We’ll be working on getting our trucks ready and everything but if it snowed tomorrow, we’d be ready.”

That’s Deputy Public Works Director Josh Wuebker who says they’re hoping for another mild season, especially after the wet spring and summer the department dealt with this year.

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