Ever since we were little we were taught that if we’re ever caught in a building that is on fire, we need to crawl on our hands and knees to the nearest, unblocked exit.
But Perry Volunteer FIre Department Chief Chris Hinds says you don’t want to be too low either.
“When you’re in a fire situation you want to stay low and get out as fast as possible. Remember with the new materials that we have today, when things burn it’s not just wood that’s burning anymore. There are so many synthetic things in our furniture and it creates poisonous gases. So we want to stay low but not too low. We want to be below the heat and where the visibility is a little bit better because the heat and smoke rises, but the poisonous gases settle to the ground. So don’t be crawling around on your belly or you’ll be crawling around in the gas.”
Chief Hinds reminds everyone that if you are caught in a building fire, make sure you get out immediately and that everything except your life can be replaced.