petsGuthrie County’s only animal shelter is in need of financial assistance.


Volunteer Linda Shelley says one of Panora PETS’ most valuable resources, Clifford, is on its last legs. “It’s nickel and diming us to the point where we’re having a hard time finding the money. Clifford is a 1994 large, full size fifteen passenger van. The seats have been removed because we take our animals to events pretty much every weekend. We’re constantly hauling somewhere or being transferred somewhere. It’s to the point where we need a new vehicle, but we don’t need a brand new one.”

Shelley says PETS is always taking donations. She’ll explain how else you can help, today on Let’s Talk Guthrie County. It airs during the 9 a.m., noon and 5 p.m. hours on K107.9 and

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