Adair County Health System donated $1,130 to the Nodaway Valley Booster Club. The donation was from parents and students supporting $10 physical exams at Adair County Medical Clinics earlier this month. Adair County Medical Clinic Manager Emily Simmons presented the ceremonial check to Nodaway Valley Activities Director Cameron Wendt at the high school last week.
The Guthrie Center City Council met Monday night. The Council discussed the possibility of raising their own pay. Currently, councilmembers make $165 every three months. Mayor Denny Kunkle, who has served the City for 30 years, says council members were paid about the same back when he started. Councilman Randy Nickel believes a pay hike could make the job more attractive to a wider range of candidates and would like feedback from citizens.
Additionally, the Council voted to extend a job offer to Wesley Clark for the position of Compliance Officer. Job duties include the serving of nuisance notices and discovering nuisance properties.
The Guthrie County Sheriff’s office has begun a new special Traffic Enforcement Program to crack down on drunk drivers. As part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign, deputies will be stepping up law enforcement to save lives, through the Labor Day holiday. According to the NHTSA, in 2013, there were 424 crash fatalities during the three day Labor Day weekend. Almost half of those crashes were caused by drunk drivers.
The Panora Chamber of Commerce is planning a fundraiser for Panorama High School’s After Prom event. Treasurer Jamie Waddle says it will be a four-player team golf tournament at Lake Panorama on Sunday, September 13th. The event will have fun features like mulligans, pick-a-putt and allowing a member of the state champion Panorama Panthers boys golf team to hit a shot for you. Additionally, 5% of the entrance fee proceeds go towards the Panorama backpack program, which helps to ensure quality nutrition for area elementary school students. For more information about the fundraiser, contact the Lake Panorama National Pro Shop at 641-755-2024.